Oakland Animal Services is experiencing an outbreak of the Canine Influenza Virus (CIV), aka the Canine flu. It is very contagious between dogs and can be deadly.
Due to the flu outbreak, we are in desperate need of dog foster homes where exposed dogs can be quarantined for up to four weeks. Who wouldn’t want an excuse to hang out with a pup and watch some Netflix for a few weeks?! Canine Influenza Virus is treated with supportive care, and the best way for our dogs to recover is in a home environment. The foster home cannot have any dogs due to risk of exposure. Additionally, the foster home must ensure that the dog remains strictly within their home and yard only (no shared or public places) for the full duration of the foster.
If you can help foster, please fill out our foster application here: http://www.oaklandanimalservices.org/foster
If you are interested in more information on fostering, please email OASFostering@gmail.com.
Special thanks to the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Veterinary Medicine Shelter Medicine Program for helping out in this time of need: https://news.wisc.edu/uw-shelter-medicine-assists-with-cases-of-influenza-in-shelter-dogs/
More information on CIV can be found here: https://vetmed-hospitals.sites.medinfo.ufl.edu/files/2017/05/Info-for-Pet-Owners-on-Canine-Influenza-1.pdf
Consider talking to your veterinarian about getting the Canine Influenza Virus vaccination for your dog.