Friends of Oakland Animal Services funds emergency and specialized care for animals that Oakland’s municipal shelter could otherwise not afford. Dogs like Jelly Bean (above) and Astro (right), who was left at night at the shelter’s door in the fall of 2021 with two broken legs and an untreated skin condition. FOAS donors stepped up to fund what otherwise would have been a cost-prohibitive surgery. Post-surgery, Astro was then placed into the FOAS-funded dog foster program so that he could heal inside a loving home.
FOAS has also funded equipment needed to help veterinary staff better care for shelter animals on-site including an x-ray machine. Gilbert the stray cat (below) was able to receive x-rays at the shelter and after determining amputation was necessary, he was able to live a pain-free life.

When Oakland Animal Services got a call from concerned members of the community about Robbie (below), a sweet Rottweiler with a severely broken jaw, FOAS quickly jumped into action and raised the $8,500 for his emergency life-saving surgery. FOAS is committed to funding the care dogs like Robbie need to have a second chance at a healthy, pain-free life — and donors like you make this possible.